Basis Provided Records

Basis has built and maintained a robust directory of property and vendor data including contact and holding company information, unique URLs, and more. Basis Provided indicates that Basis carefully curated and vetted the information. As a valued and trusted partner of Basis, we are sharing this directory as a resource to further simplify and accelerate the negotiation process. Accuracy is our goal, and so the Basis team is committed to updating our data regularly, including a monthly review of the most visited sites. However, the digital landscape changes rapidly. To keep pace, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. Valuable customer input will assist us to present the most detailed and accurate information possible.

Please send all feedback to Our directory curators will carefully review all submissions.

A Directory Curator creates Basis Provided vendors, properties, and contacts. These records are available to all Basis users. The directory shows the Basis Provided status next to the vendor, property, and contact name.

A small checkmark next to a property or vendor indicates that it is a Basis Provided vendor. witha check mark

If you have Vendor Management permissions, you can create Notes for Basis Provided vendors and edit their properties' Minimum Spend amounts. Any notes that you create are only visible to members of your organization.

You can create a vendor with the same name as a Basis Provided vendor. Vendors that you create are unique to your organization and do not include the Basis Provided checkmark.